
Poor Celebrities and Money

This blog Celebrity Diseases has been checked by StopBadware and they found no badware ,malware or spyware whatsoever in this blog. So visitors you are all safe. Another thing to be happy about is the fact that my celebrity luxury blog is now getting an increasing number of visitors. I hope things will go smoothly.

Speaking of Celebrity Luxury, I searched for celebrities who can be categorized as poor celebrities but I can’t find a good list. I also researched for celebrities who have borrowed money due to the lack of it from friends, people and payday loans sites but there is not much data yet. It makes me wonder who are the celebrities who have applied for payday loans online. I don’t think there is anything wrong with getting payday loans online if you are a celebrity. If you badly need money then why not, right? The only difference between an ordinary person and a celebrity getting a payday loan is the publicity. The media can dig into the issues of money problems if you are a popular icon and issues can be thrown against you regarding your unstable finances. If I am a celebrity and I need to get a payday loan or cash advance I’d opt for the offer that promises absolute confidentiality. If you haven’t heard of this confidentiality in getting cash advances, well it does exist. Got the information from Trust Source dot com which contains reviews and rankings of cash advance offers.

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